How We Do Our Work

At Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Florida, we believe in the power of collaboration and collective impact. Across the state we inform our local and state public officials, as well as our corporate and foundation partners, about the impact a mentor can make in a child’s life.
Through our 30 years of experience building relationships with changemakers and policymakers, and using credible research, we have witnessed a growing understanding that a young person can make significant academic and emotional strides when they have the benefit of a one-to-one mentoring relationship.
Legislative Day on the Hill
BBBSAF organizes an annual “Legislative Day on the Hill,” in Tallahassee held during the annual State legislative session for our local affiliates. This is an opportunity for agency leaders and board members to share accomplishments and highlights with their elected officials.
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Professional Development
Annually, Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Florida hosts a statewide conference that brings together executives, direct service staff, and board members from all our affiliates.
These annual conferences offer a variety of training, ranging from program implementation and reporting, to fundraising and board development, to financial management and human resource updates. Participants also share best practices that they have proven successful. Typically held for three days, these conferences are a time for learning, collaboration, and relationship-building.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Florida serves as the lead organizer and manager of over $8,000,000 in State funding that is distributed each year to our 11 local affiliates. Through our work with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, the Florida Department of Education, Florida Commerce, The Office of The Florida Attorney General, and the Florida Department of Transportation, we secure funds that are used for direct services, as well as, leveraged to expand other program offerings.
We also engage corporations, foundations, and private donors to secure support for our work and cause-related efforts.

Make a Difference
Click below for more information on how you can make a difference in a child’s life today!